Sunday, July 3, 2011

hrh prince william of wales

images So, H.R.H. Prince Harry of hrh prince william of wales. Of Hrh Prince William Of
  • Of Hrh Prince William Of

  • acecupid
    08-15 09:27 AM
    Try detaining any of their top Hollywood Heroes at an Indian airport for 2 hours and see how USA media and people will react to it.

    You people have no respect for your own motherland and always think everything American is good than your own country. Learn to stand up for your motherland. Just because you want your greencard does not mean you forget your roots. Anti-Immigrants (read racists) of this country will still call you slumdogs even if you are a citizen of this country. But your own country people will never forget you and will accept you as their own even if you have lived here for 50 years.

    Learn to love your motherland.

    I completely agree with you that we should never forget our roots or our motherland. India is far better than US when it comes to family values and many other things. However, this story has nothing to do about standing up for our own country/motherland. Every person who has a common name with terrorist names has had troubles at POE since 9/11. So who cares if he is SRK or anyone for that matter. When Colin Powell was the chief of security under Bush administration he had to go through airport security just like any other common person. The TSA here in US treats everyone the same. Do you think ministers or celebrities in India follow any security procedures ? Every now and then you hear of ministers and celebrities involved in smuggling scandals.
    There are good and bad things about every nation. IMHO, security procedures in US are the far better than India and apply the same way to everyone unlike in India. If you are so concerned about standing up for your motherland, what are you doing in the US ? Should I be calling you a traitor ? My point is, this case of SRK has nothing to do with loyality to motherland or racism. It is an unfortunate aftermath of 9/11 and we all know its been happening at POE.

    wallpaper Of Hrh Prince William Of hrh prince william of wales. with HRH Prince William of
  • with HRH Prince William of

  • Humhongekamyab
    08-16 09:03 AM
    Wish we had US' work culture: Cop - India - NEWS - The Times of India (

    hrh prince william of wales. HRH Prince William of Wales:
  • HRH Prince William of Wales:

  • NNReddy
    09-04 01:29 AM
    True_facts, you cannot denigrate dead people. I know you are coward, because you cant say what you can say with your own ID. Go to every village in AP, people are better off now than 5 years ago,that's YSR's legacy. YSR improved irrigation, infrastructure across state and percapita income in state.

    2011 with HRH Prince William of hrh prince william of wales. images hrh prince william of
  • images hrh prince william of

  • chantu
    03-30 02:48 PM
    If a Italian citizen controll the major Party of India; why not a Brazilian knows more?:)

    Any way I will update soon....

    That is the tragedy of India. Except Indians everybody has ruled India and still people have no remorse, no self respect.


    hrh prince william of wales. Standard of HRH Prince William
  • Standard of HRH Prince William

  • anai
    06-27 12:48 PM
    Three facts, followed by one interpretation.

    First: several members (incl self) have checked with their own lawyers and these lawyers tend to agree with the common interpretation of validity for entire month. And at least some of these are lawyers with many years of practice.

    Second: Fragomen, the largest immigration law firm, on its website mentions the mid-month possibility; so while there is no government source, the whole topic cannot be dismissed as an unfounded rumor.

    Third: Macaca keeps cutting and pasting from the ombudsman's report in many different colors.

    My interpretation:
    The mid-month concept seems to be a matter of opinion. Multicolor posts notwithstanding, there's nothing official on this matter so far. (I emailed the state department seeking an answer; not surprisingly, I haven't heard back. If anyone else can get something from the horse's mouth, then post it here. If you can get stuff only from the other end of the horse, then maybe there's isn't much pointing in driving a general panic.)

    hrh prince william of wales. hrh prince william of wales
  • hrh prince william of wales

  • BharatPremi
    05-19 09:33 PM,M1


    hrh prince william of wales. pictures HRH Prince William
  • pictures HRH Prince William

  • Jerrome
    05-12 02:16 PM
    Just like the jews, tamils practice their culture and language in sri lanka without been discriminated. You don't see Jews armed with weapons asking for part of USA for themselves.

    Don't you know about Israel? Don't tell me tamils are not discriminated in SL. It it outright lie and read my earlier posts with references.

    2010 HRH Prince William of Wales: hrh prince william of wales. So, H.R.H. Prince Harry of
  • So, H.R.H. Prince Harry of

  • Refugee_New
    02-12 12:43 PM
    EB2 India is screwed again. My wait continues.................


    hrh prince william of wales. 2011 HRH Prince Harry of Wales
  • 2011 HRH Prince Harry of Wales

  • kuhelica2000
    02-12 08:21 PM
    Per country limit applies to every country in exactly the same way. It doesn't discriminate between Chad or China. So, how is it discrimination? And think about it- in Olympics soccer/basketball every country can send only one team. Should China and India be allowed to send more teams since they have a larger population? We should try to increase the number of GCs.

    No matter which side you are on, the quota system sucks. Period.

    1) Once you start receiving benefits out of being born in a particular country/ race/ sex/ religion, a notion of "entitlement" quickly builds up within you. This adversely affects your ability to perform, for you just don't have to work hard enough!
    2) If you are punished for being born in a particular country/ race/ sex/ religion, you have no incentive to perform, as you won't get what you deserve no matter how hard you work!

    How about this... during every Olympics, most number of Gold Medals are won by Americans. Now imagine a rule that prevents more than 7% of all Gold Medals going to people born in any one country. How does that sound?

    I will myself hate it if athletes from India (who haven't won anything in the Olympics till date) started winning gold medals simply because other countries cannot receive more than 7%!

    Of course, removing country caps will face opposition, but it should still happen, just because it is the right thing!

    hair images hrh prince william of hrh prince william of wales. (L-R) Prince William, HRH
  • (L-R) Prince William, HRH

  • hiralal
    05-31 12:51 AM
    I agree but complete removal of county quota is almost impossible ...diversity is just a name !!! US political system in super advanced in many ways(US contitution was written centuries ago and is much better than Indian ..remember the foreigner becoming PM issue and multi party mess that India has) guess would be that country quota limits were introduced to prevent one country nationals from becoming a eventual majority . ofcourse the migration from south Am is another issue)
    and hence a better bet would be recapture ..


    hrh prince william of wales. HRH Prince William Arthur
  • HRH Prince William Arthur

  • vadicherla
    09-04 01:31 PM
    Go to your postings in this thread and read what you wrote in "Brain Damage". You wanted to distribute sweets??? How do you feel when YS Jagan grabs what you have in your village? You were supporting them so much, why not advice them to return 10,000 acres of land that he grabbed for Brahmani Steels? Jesus Christ killed YSR, otherwise, they would have grabbed all your village. Be happy, Jesus took him away.

    You dont even talk about my village even in your dreams.. Our village is much happier than before 5 years.. Its all becuase of YSR did for our village.

    hot Standard of HRH Prince William hrh prince william of wales. Photo of Hrh Prince William Of
  • Photo of Hrh Prince William Of

  • bayarea07
    07-27 07:26 PM
    If you read carefully that is what vkkrishn said that even after saying 'No' multiple times IBO's
    keep bothering you until you are rude/harsh to them.
    Is it not law of the land that if you keep bothering a harmless dog even he is going to come bite you and that is what happened with most of the folks here and i do not understand how come any self respecting man can take that rudeness day in and out UNLESS THEY ARE BEING BRAINWASHED TO BELIEVE THAT EVERYBODY ELSE WHO SAYS 'NO' IS A LOOSER.

    Nobody harassing anyone. You are doing it to yourself. If you are not interested why would they bother you?
    Arrested?? make me laugh...please go ahead.


    house Wales (HRH Prince William hrh prince william of wales. Prince William is spearheading a campaign to save Britain#39;s playing fields
  • Prince William is spearheading a campaign to save Britain#39;s playing fields

  • chanduv23
    08-17 01:17 PM
    I cannot believe there are 9 pages (and counting) worth of sentiments, because some lame talentless guy was subject to security checks at an International Airport. I'm someone who was born India, but never lived there - however I'd think there are incredibly talented Indians here in America and worldwide compared to someone who's used to blatant exploitation / sell out of Indian culture. The guy is a disgrace. And some of you, please stop rolling over to play the 'victim' in any given post.

    You do not need to 'stand-up' for Shahruk Khan. Stand up for yourself, for every - everyday Indian Joe & Jane who've travelled from their hometowns to make a living and for a future. Stand up for the hero in you - not clownish make believe bollywood heroes.

    Why do you think he is talentless? Just because he is not an ivy league or not a doctor? He is extremely talented. Belive me - getting into bollywood and becoming so big without any support is not easy. Most people in Bollywood are either offsprings of stars and they have strong support. SRK grew popular all over the world, not through any support but by himself. So he is definitely a star.
    Do not disqualify such people. they have amazing capabilities, people listen to what they say. Look at all the good roles he has done in movies like Swades - though the credit goes to the director he is a "face" which people accept.
    If we were a smart thinking group, we will utilize such publicity to better our cause. Instead we kept bashing everything around is claiming we "deserve" good things but we do not get it so we live with it and whats so special about him.

    tattoo hrh prince william of wales hrh prince william of wales. HRH Prince William of Wales
  • HRH Prince William of Wales

  • sumagiri
    07-23 02:09 PM
    Reply to sumagiri's post

    This kind of statements are used just to bluff the congress. Bear in mind 140k is the quota and may not be the target. Looks like they did it again (I mean bluff DOS and Congress) and DOS had no choice to move the dates so that overseas visa post can consume the remaining visa.

    Probably you are right !


    pictures pictures HRH Prince William hrh prince william of wales. to HRH Prince William of
  • to HRH Prince William of

  • gc_chahiye
    06-27 10:42 PM
    Are you sure about 80000 PERM?

    I recall seeing somewhere that for the entire 2006, there were about 6000 PERMs.

    nope, that might have been the number for 2005. For the bulk of 2005 (Perm started from April) there were very few approvals, then a big bunch in the last 2 months. 2006 had a 'healthy' rate of approvals...

    dresses Photo of Hrh Prince William Of hrh prince william of wales. HRH Prince William of Wales.
  • HRH Prince William of Wales.

  • dilipcr
    06-12 03:56 PM
    I am simply stumped at the level of comprehension of the folks right here. Let me summarize my views as points and hopefully I will get through to you guys

    1. My mention of BITS was not to prove that I was the best and the brightest. It was to prove that my education was NOT subsidized by the govt of India directly or indirectly. Remember passing out of any university doesnt confer the title of the best and the brightest. Unseenguy - If you have kicked the ass of IITians, bitsians etc then consider yourselves genuine. Why this unnecessary trip down "Not confident about myself lane" ?

    2. My mention of MSFT was again not to prove that I am part of the best and rightest. It was to prove that I came here not with the value proposition of low costs but with the value proposition of hardwork and some talent. I did not compromise on my pay or did replace any native employee. Oh BTW I left MSFT in 2000

    3. My mention of the 3 layoffs and my journey was to inform you guys that whatever is happening now is similar to whatever happened in 2001. I wanted to calm down the nerves of the genuine people. Without reading and comprehending the posts, I get responses like that I was an illegal. Remember I was taken back in for 2 days, 485/AP/EAD applied and my jobless days were with my EAD in hand.

    4. One of the reasons, I am against outsourcing companies is that they dump low wage workers. If you guys are aware, every country, including India and US, has anti dumping laws to protect local industries. I am not against offshoring or outsourcing but I am against dumping. Some posters have questioned how I would be affected by all this if I were the among the best and the brightest ? Valid question to a good extent. If you realize that as you age your speed and dexterity at which one adopts newer skills start waning. How long do you think that upgrading skills in a single industry would be possible when you are going to be constantly competing with walmart style options ?

    For now I have chosen to enroll myself in an MBA program and I am hoping that my skills wouldn't be diluted. Think about going to school at age 35 with the responsibility of family and kid. This is my last ditch effort in upgrading my skills because it involves a substantial ownpayment. I am not sure about you guys but a 100K investment for school now is huge for me. The big question is, I am able to pull up my last bit of energy to upgrade now but will it be possible 5 years now if these outsourcing companies starting dumping low cost MBAs ? This is what I meant by my quality of life being impacted. If you guys think that you wouldnt go through the same scenario, then you need some serious retrospection.

    One last thing I would like to point out the inherent contradiction that the current prospective immigrants are facing today. GC is a process that is there to fill in the lack of skills in the US. However with unemployment running close to 10%, the question arises as to whether to train local populace for these skills. There are just 2 exits out of this contradiction

    1. Bring in low cost labor to fulfill this shortage and avoid local training costs
    2. Expand on a new idea. Green seems to be the buzzword today.

    In my opinion, option 1 is lose lose situation for all including the actual foreign employee who provides the services at a low cost. It is the outsourcing company for sure and probably the hiring company that may benefit. The society as a whole loses. Option 2 is an organic option but is laen with the dangers of delays in take off and boom and bust cycles. This is exactly the reason why I suggested that we cut these outsourcing cs from dumping bodies here. I hope I have clarified my opinions lucidly and hopefully look forward to a mature discussion as opposed to name calling, affronts etc.


    makeup 2011 HRH Prince Harry of Wales hrh prince william of wales. Wales (HRH Prince William
  • Wales (HRH Prince William

  • Direct_Action_99
    01-15 08:52 PM
    It is really pathetic to see the current plight of H1B. It is really sad and the situation is getting worse with the passing of each day. The max limit of H1B is only 65000. It is highly regulated and accountable. Why is everyone hounding H1B without rhyme or reason? It is because most of them perhaps do not have a good picture of what is happening around.

    Do the people who are after the H1B folks realize the following?

    1. About 100,000 or may be many times that number (I do not know) of L1 workers are brought to work to the USA? Do they realize that there is NO quota limit for L1?

    2. How the L1A visa is misused in the guise of the so called "International transfer" to file for GC under EB1 category?

    3 That many of the Indian / foreign firms no longer prefer to sendi their employees on H1 as they can send plane loads of L1 without any hitch?

    3. Every minute several 1000s of jobs are outsourced ?

    The root cause is because the immigration system is broken and the policies are not OK. Going behind H1 B Visa holders is not the answer

    girlfriend HRH Prince William of Wales hrh prince william of wales. of H.R.H Prince William of
  • of H.R.H Prince William of

  • whoever
    02-15 11:37 AM
    hey anyone know why since democrats have taken control of house, senate, they havent uttered a word on immigration? last year there was so much noise on tv regarding immigration but none at all this year. i wonder what is going on.

    hairstyles HRH Prince William Arthur hrh prince william of wales. Is HRH Prince William also
  • Is HRH Prince William also

  • rongha_2000
    07-26 02:42 PM
    So why are you here in the first place? Why in US? Why applying for GC? Why on IV to try to improve this broken system? Face the fact, you too dont want to return or else you wouldnt be here.

    There is no harm in being selfish and persuing a better life. "Do something good for India" is an ideal punch line for preachers. BUT Be realistic.

    I am an Indian and proud to be so. Indians - Remove the "SLAVE" mentality from your minds. Think positive. Do some thing good for India, where you have been born and brought up; where your previous generations have flourished. Since, you are now living and earning in US, be loyal to US too.

    07-13 01:28 PM
    And who rates Canada highly? That requires a different forum for debating but I am just giving you the hint that it is international scam to rate it high.. That is the subject of politics and we would not start debating that at least on this forum..

    More empty rebuttal from you. Quite remarkable.

    2007 rankings -

    2005 rankings -

    UN Human Development Index 2006 -

    So. You see. While there are many criteria that would rank the US over Canada (and by the way, the economy of the last 5-6 years would NOT be one of them), there is plenty of food for thought for those that consider Canada as one option of perhaps several.

    Dalai Lama
    01-24 01:14 PM
    He must had already saved lot of money in India, he will live like a king after 20 months.
    He should get 20 years of prison.

    Dalai lama from Tibbet

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